Tuesday, 8 October 2013

"Dark Secret Magic TIRAMISU " 您独一无二的全身+下半身瘦身艺术专家!!

"Dark Secret Magic TIRAMISU " 您独一无二的全身+下半身瘦身艺术专家!!

Dark Secret Magic TIRAMISU 使用新开发的的phytoenhance© 技术,植物中的自然精华能被增强并让用户有更好的效果。


♛ 抑制食欲
♛ 抵制胆固醇与葡萄糖的吸收
♛ 产热过程以及脂肪的吸收 - 排出
♛ 减轻水肿
♛ 有助于瘦身效果
♛ 主要是对付下半身的内脏脂肪组织沉积

•• Dark Secret Magic TIRAMISU -- 11个 无法抗拒的华丽好处••

➸ 抑制食欲
➸ 产生饱腹感
➸ 减少体内热量的吸收
➸ 有效地燃烧脂肪
➸ 加速、加强代谢率
➸ 减轻水肿
➸ 专门为下半身脂肪燃烧而制定的配方
➸ 100%天然成分
➸ 无副作用


1) 花籽油提取物 (CLA) ➸➸ 共轭亚油酸 ➸➸ 增加新陈代谢,增强肌肉的生长率,降低胰岛素,胆固醇合成抑制剂,防止脂肪堆积在腹部

2) 藤黄果提取物 ➸➸ 羟基柠檬酸 ➸➸ 抑制碳水化合物转化成脂肪,控制食欲,提高生产热量率

3) 绿咖啡提取物 ➸➸ 绿原酸增强代谢率, 抑制葡萄糖被释放到血液, 防止蜂窝主织的形成, 使皮肤光滑,紧密,柔顺

4) 月见草提取物 ➸➸ 伽玛亚麻油酸 ➸➸ 减轻炎症和治疗湿疹, 调理体内激素, 改善皮肤的弹性 , 增加血流量理顺淋巴回流, 能够减少身体下半部脂肪形成.

••最新科技Phytoenhance© Dark Secret Magic TIRAMISU••

抑制食欲 ➸➸ 藤黄果提取物, 绿咖啡提取物菊,苣菊糖, 洋车前子壳

抵制胆固醇与葡萄糖的吸收 ➸➸ 花籽油提取物, 绿咖啡提取物, 藤黄果提取物, 洋车前子壳

产热过程 ➸➸ 瓜拉纳提取物, 绿咖啡提取物, 乐果提取物, 花籽油提取物

脂肪的吸收 ➸➸ 排出,加上减轻水肿 月见草提取物, 瓜拉纳提取物, 绿咖啡提取物可乐果提取物, 提拉米苏咖啡粉

产生饱足感 ➸➸ 减少对食物的欲望

生物胆固醇合成抑制剂 ➸➸ 增强肌肉的生长率 -抑制葡萄糖被释放到血液

刺激局部的血流量 ➸➸ 促使脂肪分解 -改善淋巴循环 -加速、加强代谢率 -防止蜂窝主织的形成

减轻炎症 ➸➸ 改善皮肤的弹性 -调理体内激素 -通畅淋巴系统 -减少蜂窝主织的形成

原料 ➸➸ 提拉米苏咖啡粉,脱脂奶粉,绿咖啡提取物(绿原酸),月见草提取物(伽玛亚麻油酸)瓜拉纳提取物,菊苣菊糖(菊苣根),可乐果提取物,红花籽油提取物(共轭亚油酸),藤黄果提取物(羟基柠檬酸),洋车前子壳,维生素B


用150 – 200 ml 的温水冲泡,于早餐前的30至60分钟前饮用为佳。


➸➸ 建议要瘦下半身者请在餐后【一天内吃最多那餐】的30 - 60分钟内不要立刻坐下,站着或者活动为了防止脂肪和水份在饭后累计于身体的下半身,并能促进血液循环和避免身体疲劳。

➸➸ 在使用了Dark Secret Magic TIRAMISU 后,建议每天饮用约2至3公升的水,以促进身体的日常新陈代谢。

➸➸ 此产品含有咖啡因。

➸➸ 储存方式:

每包分量20g ➸➸ 每盒30包

"Dark Secret Magic TIRAMISU " Your Only One The Art of Slimming

Utilizing the newly developed phytoenhance© technique, the natural goodness of the plant material can be enhanced and provide better effect to the user.

Four combined actions will be set into motion after consumption, which are appetite suppression, cholesterol and glucose block, thermogenesis process as well as fat absorption plus reduce oedema, that contribute to the slimming effect of this product, particularly at the lower part of the body where the visceral fatty tissue largely deposited.

• • 11 Irresistible luxuries beneficial of Dark Secret Magic TIRAMISU • •

➸➸ Appetite suppressant

➸➸ Induce satiety

➸➸ Reduce body caloric absorption

➸➸ Burn fat effectively

➸➸ Metabolism enhancing

➸➸ Oedema reducing

➸➸ Reduce storage of fat at lower part of body

➸➸ Effective aid for slimming of lower body

➸➸ Specially formulated to burn off the lower body fat

➸➸ 100% natural ingredients

➸➸ No side effect

••Main Ingredient Single••

1) Safflower Seed Extract (CLA) ➸➸ Conjugated Linoleic Acid ➸➸ increase metabolism, enhances muscle growth, lowers insulin resistance , PREVENT FATS ACCUMULATION AT THE ABDOMEN

2) Garcinia Combogia ➸➸ Hydroxycitric Acid ➸➸ inhibits the conversion of carbohydrates into stored fat, Increase Thermogenesis , suppress Appetite

3) Green Coffee Extract ➸➸ Chlorogenic Acid ➸➸ Increasing Metabolism, inhibiting glucose release into blood stream, Block cellulite buildup, smoothen, tighter and suppler skin.

4) Evening Primrose Oil ➸➸ Gamma linoleic Acid ➸➸ Reduce inflammation, treating eczema, Hormone balancing, improves skin elasticity , Increase blood flow, smooth-en lymphatic flow, reduce cellulite formation of lower body.

•• Latest Technology -- Phytoenhance© Dark Secret Magic TIRAMISU••

Appetite Suppression ➸➸ Garcinia Combogia extracts, Green Coffee Extract, fructooligosacaride, psyllium husk

Cholesterol , Carbohydrates, Fats and glucose blocking ➸➸ CLA, Green Coffee Extract, Garcinia Combogia Extracts, Psyllium Husk

Thermogenesis Guarana ➸➸ Green Coffee Extract, Kola Nut Extracts, CLA

Oedema reduction ➸➸ Evening Primrose Oil, Guarana, Green Coffee Extract, Kola Nut Extract, Coffee Powder

Induce satiety ➸➸ Reduce food craving ➸➸ Signaling brain of the stomach fullness

cholesterol biosynthesis inhibitor ➸➸ promotes muscle growth ➸➸ inhibit glucose release in the bloodstream

Increase topical blood flow ➸➸ induce fat breakdown ➸➸ Promote lymphatic circulation ➸➸ increase metabolic rate ➸➸ block cellulite buildup

Reduce inflammation ➸➸ Improves skin elasticity ➸➸ Hormone balancing ➸➸ Smooth-en lymphatic flow

Ingredients: Tiramisu coffee powder, Skim milk powder, Garcinia cambogia extract (hydroxycitric acid), Green coffee extract (chlorogenic acid), Evening Primrose extract (Gamma linoleic acid) Guarana extract, Inulin extract (chicory root), Kola nut extract, Safflower seed extract (CLA), Psyllium Husk, Vitamin B complex

Preparation method ➸➸

Mix one sachet of Dark Secret Magic Tiramisu with 150 – 200 ml of warm water and consume 30 to 60 minutes before breakfast.

For the Optimum effects ➸➸

➸During the Dark Secret Magic Tiramisu consumption period, drink adequate amount of water (at least 2~3L) daily in order to promote daily bodily function.

➸ For those who are wish to slim down on the bottom part of the body, after dinner or the heaviest meal of the day, 30-60 minutes please do not sit down immediately, you may move around or stand up.
This is to prevent the fat and moisture accumulated in the body's lower part after meal, and can promote blood circulation and prevent fatigue.

This product is not suitable for the usage by individual that is under 18 or above 60. It is not recommended for consumers with cardiovascular diseases, stroke, diabetes or other related diseases as well as pregnant and breastfeeding mothers. This product contains caffeine.

Keep in cool and dry place. Avoid direct sunlight exposure.

Serving size:
30sachet/ Box

"Dark Secret Magic TIRAMISU " 您独一无二的全身+下半身瘦身艺术专家!!


我一直都面对局部肥胖问题!手臂、臀部和大腿是我最大的问题!每次减肥,脸部和腰围瘦到像僵尸时,我的下半身都没有什么动静。很懊恼! 我一直都在寻找着安全即健康的瘦身产品,网路上一直出现很多各类的瘦身产品,可是在我询问相关产品更详细资料时,发现并不是每个产品都有卫生部合格销售的。之前其实有关注Cell Story这家公司很久了,很幸运的是在我提及我的下半身肥胖的烦恼时,公司愿意发配样本让我试用^^
由于对这家公司的信任,我就大胆试了一个月! 其实我一直都不太喜欢喝咖啡,可是一试之后,我爱上了它!因为香香浓浓的TIRAMISU口味,完全不带咖啡的苦涩!!一喝包你爱不释口!而且它独家采用美国高科技天然成分,短短30天全身很均匀的干掉我身上的肥油瘦下来!对于我最懊恼的下半身肥胖也不再是任何问题!即使我非常懒惰不做运动,Dark Secret Magic TIRAMISU 都可以让我轻松享瘦,而且时间已经过了两个月也不会反弹~\(≧▽≦)/~

"Dark Secret Magic TIRAMISU " 您独一无二的全身+下半身瘦身艺术专家!!


刚开始喝这个瘦身产品Dark Secret Magic TIRAMISU 的时候家人是很反对的,可以那么辛苦拿到的试用包在我坚持下我还是决定尝试,起初喝2个星期我就瘦了4kg!! 家人们看到我瘦下了,也开始了解这家公司多年的信誉,所以也开始对这个家公司Cell Story的产品有信心,也不阻止我坚持的心!!
我不是只是服用一个月就立刻瘦那么多的,我是很坚持的喝了将近三个月,也成功的甩掉了整整20kg!一些很久不见的朋友看到我都吓呆了,因为我确实是瘦了好多啊!! ~\(≧▽≦)/~
以前我不能穿的裤子现在也不能穿,因为太大件了!哈哈哈~\(≧▽≦)/~ 太喜悦了太喜悦了^O^ 我很开心!开心也很简单,就因为我瘦了!我找回遗失已久的信心了~\(≧▽≦)/~

"Dark Secret Magic TIRAMISU " 您独一无二的全身+下半身瘦身艺术专家!!


经过朋友的介绍,我认识了Dark Secret Magic TIRAMISU这个新产品,当时并还没有正式上架销售,但是知道该公司正寻找一些顾客进行临床试验的活动,也因为我一直以来都是这家公司的客户,所以争取到两个月的试用包^^
谢谢Dark Secret Magic TIRAMISU , 你让我找回了女人最重要的自信!!

"Dark Secret Magic TIRAMISU " 您独一无二的全身+下半身瘦身艺术专家!!


就在上两个月,在机缘巧合下知道了Cell Story正在派Dark Secret Magic TIRAMISU试用包,我也很开心的争取了两个月份量,于是便再次开始我的瘦身旅程,刚开始时我有感觉到胃口小了,吃一点东西就感觉饱足了,但是体重还是没怎么下,于是变向有关咨询师询问,他给了我一些建议后我又继续坚持服用,果然不出所料,在我服用完两个月后我的体重虽然只下了一点,但是臃肿的体型却明显的小了一圈!!
我还是相信瘦身是需要坚持的,速度太快导致我辛苦的我反而接受不了,Dark Secret Magic TIRAMISU不单止味道好喝,帮我去水肿,而且还能更安全的让我瘦下,我十分满意~\(≧▽≦)/~

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